Well this is long overdue post. Helps my busy-mind to write this stuff, bear with me. Winter in Humboldt has been very wet. I love the rain but you need a break once in awhile, sheesh! Made a batch of beer, an Oktoberfest, which was so awesome to be brewing again, gonna keep it going strong. Ber turned out good, little over-carbonated, little weak on the alcohol (~4%) but 2 cases of good beer for around $25, can't beat it.
For the whole month of January I went to Ione, CA for the ECC dispatch academy. Ione is a Calif State CalFire place, with a smidgen of Feds thrown in for good measure. Hmm how to describe a month at Ione....not possible. It sucked but passed with flying colors. Went to the sisters every weekend and being with family made the trip worth it. Very nice. Awesome at the Bolle's, great family! Congratulations to John for his promotion, Christy will be close behind whether she wants it or not!
Now this month I have 2 separated weeks of training down in Sacramento area at McClellan at WFTC (Wildland Fire Training Center). Its been fun. These training you get to meet and network with lots of people. Pouring rain since I got here. This week is D-311 which is Initial Attack Dispatcher, teaches you what to expect when going to other forests as an IA dispatcher. Week after next its D-310, which is Expanded Support Dispatch, basically being proficient on ROSS, EERAs and stuff for when you go on assignment.
The earthquake in Japan and following Tsunami reached our area on the Lost Coast. Talk about a crazy-ass day that was. Crescent City harbor got destroyed and we had resources (mostly CalFire) everywhere helping with evacuations and other things. Was scary but nowhere as scary as to those in Japan. Their nightmare will continue for some time. I hope they stay strong. I really respect the Japanese and their strength during adversity.
Bike is still running strong, changed my brakes for the 1st time, they needed it. Also wrecked for the 1st time, if you are on FAcebook you saw the post. No stitches or broken bones so really no big deal. My bike left the pavement for one second, for 1 inch, with all the rain it was pure mush, wheel disappeared and into the road my face went. LOL
Have I ever told you I hate travelling. With the highest detest. I hate it whenever I get places where there are any kinds of large populations. ok anything south of Humboldt. All the people just drive me crazy. Don't see how people live in big cities, or even cities over 10k. I hate it. Hate all the people, cars, filth.
Family is doing well.; Sam graduates from high school this year. Still on his 4.0 streak, played soccer, now track starts back up. Such a busy boy. Emily has been doing awesome. Applying for jobs at 15 and trying hard to get out in the world. That girl will succeed no matter what she does. Miss my dog. But she keeps busy on her Dogbook page (check it out on FB, her name is Sage Ripper Buckner).
The only other big news I really don't want to get into quite yet, if ever. Needless to say its been significant in changing my Humboldt life, giving me new energy and hope, and making life so much better to live!! 8D Hate to jinx anything, so mums the word.
Still looking for a car, though with training it hasn't been going very well. I think I have the money now for a good car, just gotta find one and sift through all the crap out there. Plus a ride would be nice so that I can actually look at some of the more interesting ones.
Read a ton of books while in Ione. I highly recommend The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I hate to admit you have to look in the teen section to find it. Wow! great 3 book series. I gave the series to my landlord's 11 year old and she loved it! Also read the Starcraft archive by multiple authors. Nice collection of great sci-fi stories based around Bizzard's Starcraft universe. And than I read 2 of Ludlum's books. Always a thrill ride with his books (think, author of the Bourne series). My new game: Rift. Very awesome, and I'm too tired to write what it deserves. Trust me, one of the better MMOs out there right now, just released, no bugs, heavy population. Enough, no one wants to hear about video games.
Looking forward to the future for the first time in awhile, looking forward to the next day! Strange where you find things sometimes, and when.
And a special shout-out to CHINOOK!!
Too tired for more. CIAO
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